A Proposed New Name
Lotto Mathematics
For many people they have never heard of the term Lotto Probability Draw Pattern Mathematics or that the game of Lotto itself can be calculated and formulated using mathematics model structure reports.
It is believed that a lack of a proper naming convention for this particular subject matter is at the root of the problem that exists for lotto probability mathematics models.
This new mathematics naming convention proposal expository covers the general background of the different associated topics within the subject matter and lays a foundational outline for the proposal. The naming convention that is proposed by the Tinkermen Lotto Report better characterizes the mathematical model known only informally by lottery math enthusiast around the world as "Decades Analysis'.
For the purposes of description within this proposal, an abbreviated version of the naming convention Draw Pattern Mathematics (DPM) will be used throughout this article proposal. In summary the following mathematics subject's are generally used when determining a Draw Pattern Mathematics (DPM) model structure for a particular lottery:
Sample space
Color schemes
Binomial distribution
Law of Large Numbers
At the core of Draw Pattern Mathematics (DPM) combinatorics & probability theory play significant roles in determining and understanding the overall view of this type of mathematical model. An example below of one of the main mathematical terminology functions that's most often used within (DPM) is the use of a factorial operation, which counts all of the possible distinct permutations or number of ways of a given set of numbers. Here is an example of how combinatorics works by listing all of the possible different number combinations for the numbers 1,2,3.
There are 6 total possible combinations of 1,2,3:
A basic factorial count operation would be
3 x 2 x 1 = 6

​What is believed to be known about (DPM) is that it migrated from Europe, throughout the rest of the world and to the United States sometime during the early 1970's.
Some of its earliest roots can first be traced back to studies first conducted by the Italian polymath Gerolamo Cardano, who wrote and published ‘Liber de tudo aleae’ in the 1500’s - A first of its kind attempt at the ‘Theory of Probability’ concerning games of chance.
During the next century or two there are several other main contributors including Pascal, Fermat, Euler, Huygens and Bernoulli, who contributed heavily to the field of probability, combinatorics and the Law of Large Numbers.
Modern Lotteries as we know them today first began in the 1960's and later started to spread during the 1970's, as government legislations began to change. With Lotteries becoming a lot more popular, new books on using lotto mathematics were created by both mathematicians and analyst.
These initial publications on the subject were mainly focused on methodologies, strategies and playing systems that showed people examples on how to write out their playing tickets, to lower a players overall odds and chances of winning a lottery.
While many lottery analyst during this time period that had an understanding of (DPM) and lotto statistics, wrote about many different topics within (DPM), many concentrated their efforts towards explaining on how to properly Wheel Different Lotto Number Combinations.
This created all kinds of new terminologies and platforms within the lotto industry, as new lotto books and computer software programs began being published. The goal was mainly for trying to prove the advantage that a wheeling number strategy system had when picking and selecting lotto numbers.
The most well-known and successful early publisher on lotto strategy, specifically using wheeling number combinations during this time period, was leading New York columnist and book author Gail Howard, who published her first book 'Lotto how to wheel a fortune' in 1988.

Over the last 30 years there has been many different lottery analysts and mathematicians from all around the world, that have gone on to use many different methodologies, naming convention notations, mathematical formulas, statistics and analytical perspectives and processes of looking at different ways to calculate a lotteries overall mathematical structure model, its matrix and chances of winning.
This has led to an ever growing unknown issue for the general public, within the field of mathematics related to lotteries that's not often ever properly discussed publicly, as documents and publications are produced by different authors and scholars, about a subject whose real naming convention Lotto Probability Draw Pattern Mathematics has yet to become common knowledge.
There has never been a general consensus by the hundreds of book authors, mathematicians, math enthusiast, magazines, news agencies, encyclopedia's or lottery strategy websites, in regards to a proper naming convention for this particular area of study within the field of mathematics.
Here below are three different examples of Lotto Probability Mathematics Model Structure Reports:
While published draw pattern mathematics (DPM) subjects can vary widely depending on the author and topics covered, full lotto probability draw pattern mathematics model structure reports created by the Tinkermen Lotto Report normally consist of 6 main aspects:
Past Draws Page – Separates all of the past draws of a lottery, by their
respective draw pattern group types and associated colors.
Statistics Page – Shows the number of times a past lottery draw pattern has
come up over time, in comparison to the theoretical expected values.
Draw Order Page – Allows lotto players to have access to all of the past
draws according to their draw pattern group type and date drawn.
Mathematics Model Page – Details the mathematics model structure,
the number of combinations possible for each particular draw pattern
and the percentage a draw pattern should be drawn over time.
Matrix Model Page – Provides model structures for each particular
draw pattern that mathematics can then be applied from to determine
a lottery's number of combinations.
Legend Page – Details different aspects and attributes used to construct
the probability report and to determine the mathematical calculations.
An example of mathematics factorial calculations in the Legend Section

Though-out the published literature on lotto mathematics in general there is no special heading naming convention that allows the public to ascertain the useful information, that's described within the context of the category being studied or described.
Although there are few full descriptive Lotto Probability Draw Pattern Mathematics Model Structure Reports that have been published on record. Most of the material published about the underlying subjects within this particular field, all could fall within or under the main category heading of Draw Pattern Mathematics (DPM), since they are terminologies mostly related to lottery mathematics analysis.
A proper naming convention for major subject headings like in this proposal should always assemble important detail aspects into it's naming convention heading to covey it's proper meaning, so that from the name you can quickly identify the type of resources associated with it.
This section of the proposal for a special naming convention for Lotto Probability Draw Pattern Mathematics breaks down the proposal as follows;
1) Lotto Probability - The term by itself, is one of the most important naming aspects associated with a particular mathematical category and specifically describes the general subject heading content.
2) Draw Pattern - Is the specific terminology description of the underlying subject matter material that's contained within this particular subject heading mathematics model.
3) Mathematics - Gives an account for the type of general topic heading category it should be listed within.
Using an analogy as an example from physics the 'Special Theory of Relativity' is made up of hundreds of different mathematical equations and parts and is usually known by its special heading naming convention that best describes all of it's associated components and parts.
Similarly, Lotto Probability Draw Pattern Mathematics (DPM) is made up of many different types of parts from within the field of mathematics, but the sum of all of those parts has remained a nickname for 'Decades'
Learn More about Lotto Probability Draw Pattern Mathematics
General Description of Lotto Probability Draw Pattern Mathematics
How more people can actually win the Lottery